If you are concerned about your blood sugar levels, you may be suffering from type 2 diabetes. There are some symptoms you should be aware of and ways to treat them. The following article discusses the symptoms, diagnosis, complications, and treatments. To learn more about the symptoms of type 2 diabetes, click on the links below. Alternatively, you can visit the Living With Type 2 Diabetes Program for further information. The resources provided by this program are free and can help you manage your condition.
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Symptoms of type 2 diabetes
The nerves in your feet and hands can be affected by type 2 diabetes, as can the bones that hold your teeth. Your gums may become infected, and your teeth may even start to become loose. If your blood glucose levels rise above 180 mg/dl, your risk of coma increases. High blood sugar levels can even be fatal. Your blood sugar level can also be high enough to trigger a diabetic coma.
If you have been suffering from high blood glucose levels for 10 years or more, you may be experiencing some of these symptoms. Fortunately, diabetes is curable if caught early enough. It begins gradually and can lead to serious complications. Symptoms of type 2 diabetes can progress in stages over several years. You should never ignore these signs of diabetes, as they may only signal the beginning of complications. You should seek medical help if you feel any of these symptoms.
Blood glucose levels are measured using a glucose meter. The meter pricks a finger with a lancet to obtain a tiny drop of blood. This blood is placed on a test strip, which measures the blood sugar. Your healthcare provider may recommend testing your blood sugar level several times a day or weekly. Many people only need to check their blood sugar levels before their meal or before bedtime.
Early symptoms of type 2 diabetes may appear slowly, or may be nonexistent. High blood glucose levels sneak up on you, and you may not even realize you have the disease until you are diagnosed. Some of the signs of type 2 diabetes include being thirsty all the time, being very hungry, making lots of urine, and smelling unusually. Itchy skin is also a warning sign. Regardless of the early signs of type 2 diabetes, it is important to visit your doctor as soon as possible to get diagnosed.
Ultimately, a diabetic's body cannot effectively use insulin, causing it to rely on other energy sources for energy. Unfortunately, this results in various symptoms. Over time, type 2 diabetes symptoms can become more severe and potentially life-threatening. Fortunately, there are treatments available to treat the symptoms and prevent the disease from progressing further. The main goal of treatment for those with type 2 diabetes is to control blood glucose levels and reduce the risk of complications.
Treatment options
The first-line treatment for type 2 diabetes is metformin. However, some people may need a second-line treatment such as an SGLT-2 inhibitor or an ARB, which are medications developed to treat high blood pressure and protect against heart attacks. The second-line treatment for type 2 diabetes often involves the use of insulin, which may be prescribed sooner or later, depending on your needs and the symptoms you're experiencing.
In addition to lifestyle changes, medications are often prescribed. These can include oral medicines and insulin. In some cases, you may need to take a combination of both. In addition to medicines, you'll need to check your blood sugar regularly. Your health care provider will tell you how often to do this. Blood pressure and cholesterol levels must also be kept at target levels, and regular screenings are recommended. However, even if you don't use insulin, your health care provider may prescribe these drugs to you.
Diabetic eye disease can lead to blindness. It can damage blood vessels in the retina and increase the risk of infections. Amputation may be necessary if the damage is severe. Diabetic eye disease can also damage the blood vessels in the legs and feet, causing slow healing and possibly amputation. If you're concerned about the risk of diabetes and vision damage, you can contact your health care provider for treatment options.
Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of the disease and is caused by the body's cells becoming resistant to insulin. This increases the amount of glucose in the blood and makes the pancreas work harder to produce insulin. Eventually, the pancreas can't keep up with the amount of insulin produced, and the body's cells become starved for energy. This condition has several different causes, including the failure of cells in the pancreas to properly signal and regulate glucose.
Type 2 diabetes can be a life-threatening disease. It causes blood glucose levels to become too high, which leads to numerous symptoms, including blurred vision, dry mouth, and a host of other conditions. Symptoms of type 2 diabetes often become worse as the disease progresses. If left untreated, this condition can lead to more serious complications, including blindness and coma. The good news is that there are several treatment options for type 2 diabetes.
There are many ways to make the diagnosis of type 2 diabetes. People with the disease are at an increased risk of developing eye complications. People who experience blurred vision should see a doctor. High blood sugar levels can damage tiny blood vessels in the eye, causing the eyes to become blurry. In addition, untreated diabetes can cause permanent vision loss. The good news is that it's possible to detect these symptoms in their early stages.
Your doctor may perform blood and urine tests to diagnose the condition. Whether or not you have diabetes depends on your blood sugar levels and your risk factors. Urine tests are often the first step, but sometimes a doctor may recommend a blood glucose meter or continuous monitoring. Your healthcare provider may prescribe regular A1C tests, oral medications, or insulin therapy for diabetes patients. Blood pressure medications may also be prescribed.
Regardless of your age or blood pressure, you should always monitor your blood glucose levels, especially if you're sick. Even a common cold can interfere with insulin and blood sugar levels. It's best to make a sick day plan with your healthcare provider, so you'll know exactly when to check your blood sugar levels and take the necessary medications. High blood glucose levels for 24 hours or more may be indicative of diabetes. Severe pain in any part of the body should also be checked.
The simplest tests for diabetes are blood glucose levels. A fasting plasma glucose level of 126 mg/dL or higher is the diagnosis. Other tests include an A1C level of 6.5% or higher, or a 75-g two-hour oral glucose tolerance test. In addition, if your blood glucose levels remain elevated for two hours or more, you may have diabetes. In some cases, you might be diagnosed with prediabetes, which is a mild form of prediabetes, but if you notice any of these symptoms, you should visit your primary care provider.
Another common symptom of type 2 diabetes is high blood sugar, which occurs when your body does not properly use insulin. If you don't respond to insulin properly, your blood glucose levels can become extremely high, causing many problems. Diabetes can damage nerves, blood vessels, and the heart. If left untreated, it can even lead to death. The sooner you seek help for type 2 diabetes, the better.
A number of complications of type 2 diabetes can have life-threatening effects. Because diabetes affects the body's blood vessels, the disease can lead to both small and large vascular problems. High blood glucose levels, high blood pressure, and abnormal cholesterol levels can cause complications. People with type 2 diabetes are at a higher risk for developing these problems. Lifestyle changes, such as quitting smoking, and diet and exercise advice can reduce these risks.
While most people with type 2 diabetes are aware of the risks associated with the condition, it's important to remember that the disease can affect anyone, including children and adolescents. A recent study of a young population with type 2 diabetes revealed that more than 60 percent of the participants had at least one complication. The majority had two or more. Healthcare systems must be ready for this increased use of services, the direct costs of treating complications, and the loss of productive years.
Fortunately, early detection of type 2 diabetes can help minimize the risk of complications. Although there is no cure for diabetes, people who develop the disease can live productive lives. By learning how to manage blood glucose levels properly, patients can slow the progression of diabetes. They should also keep their blood glucose levels under control as much as possible to reduce the risk of these complications. Even if the condition is diagnosed early, better management of blood sugar levels can minimize the risks associated with it.
Another complication of type 2 diabetes is kidney disease, or diabetic nephropathy. If left untreated, diabetes can damage the kidneys and lead to their failure. One way to detect the onset of kidney problems is to test for a condition called microalbuminuria, or protein in urine. The results will help your doctor determine if your diabetes is causing kidney damage. If so, a medication may be prescribed to protect the kidneys from further damage.
Despite the fact that the incidence of complications associated with type 2 diabetes is increasing at an alarming rate, studies have shown that the younger an individual is at diagnosis, the more likely they are to develop vascular problems. Early intervention can delay the onset of type 2 diabetes, improve blood glucose levels, and lower cardiovascular risk profiles. Early intervention can also reduce morbidity and mortality. However, the number of people with type 2 diabetes is growing, and the population with this condition will double by 2045, according to the International Diabetes Foundation (IDF).