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Maintaining a Normal Blood Sugar Level
You may have heard that it is important to maintain a normal blood sugar level. This is a good thing to remember, as it is important for overall health. Whether your blood sugar is above or below your target range, checking it regularly is essential. If your blood sugar level is high or low, taking immediate action may help prevent complications. Your doctor will provide customized target ranges that you can follow on your own. If you are diabetic, knowing when your blood sugar level is low or high is especially important.
Normal blood sugar levels
What is normal blood sugar? Depending on age, type of diabetes, and blood sugar levels of other factors, normal blood sugar levels are a range of less than 100 to 180 milligrams per deciliter. Those blood sugar levels that are over that range are often diagnosed as having diabetes. If you are diabetic or if you're worried about high blood sugar, consult with your doctor. Listed below are the guidelines for normal blood sugar levels.
If your blood sugar level is more than 180 mg/dL, see your doctor or take glucose-lowering medication. Blood sugar levels over this range are considered dangerous and require immediate medical attention. While sugar is necessary for human health, it can lead to a host of complications, including diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. To lower your blood sugar levels, eat a regular, healthy meal. Alternatively, consume 15 grams of fast-acting carbohydrates at the first sign of low blood sugar.
A balanced blood sugar level will translate to improved energy levels, improved mood, and overall health. It is a good idea to check blood sugar regularly throughout the day, especially during the evenings. And don't forget to limit snacking before bed. If you're diabetic, talk to your doctor about your specific goals for your health. Your doctor can prescribe you a custom target blood sugar level range to meet your goals. The more often you check blood sugar, the safer you'll be.
When you have diabetes, your healthcare provider will perform a blood glucose test to check your A1C level. This test measures the average blood sugar levels of the past three months. Diabetics should check their blood sugar four times per day. Before meals, one to two hours after meals, and before bedtime. By checking your blood sugar, your physician can determine how much insulin to give you. Your healthcare provider will also order an A1C blood test to monitor your long-term blood sugar levels.
To maintain a healthy blood sugar level, you should eat a diet that's low in carbohydrates. Eat whole, low-sugar, and minimally processed foods to keep your sugar levels low. If your doctor finds ketones in your blood, you can exercise, but only if they're present. This can be detected by a urine test or blood glucose meter. It's important to drink plenty of water to flush sugar from your body. Your healthcare provider can also prescribe medication for you if needed.
Signs of high or low blood sugar levels
Knowing the signs of high and low blood sugar levels is vitally important, especially if you're diabetic. Depending on your level, you may have to take an emergency injection or eat a snack to regain control of your blood sugar. It is also important to take the proper steps to raise your blood sugar level before you drive or operate machinery. Here are some important tips to follow:
Avoiding or delaying meals can cause your blood sugar to rise or drop. Skipping meals or eating late can also lead to low blood sugar levels. Avoiding meals altogether or drinking excessive amounts of alcohol can also cause low blood sugar. These actions can cause your body to store more glucose, which makes it less efficient at controlling blood sugar levels. Alcohol also makes the problem worse, as your body becomes accustomed to having less food to maintain its level.
When blood sugar falls below 70 mg/dL, the body responds in a biochemical response called hypoglycemia. Activated hormones release stores and the liver begins secreting more glucose to prevent further drops. But if the symptoms persist, treatment is necessary. The next step is to consult a doctor. If the blood sugar levels fall below this range, seek medical attention immediately. If you have diabetes, check your blood sugar levels to stay healthy.
Another thing to look out for are the symptoms of hypoglycemia. Low blood glucose causes the release of the hormone epinephrine, which can cause a range of symptoms, including sweating, irritability, and anxiety. It can even lead to seizures and coma. When it's severe, a physician may have to intervene and give you a sugary snack.
A severe case of hypoglycemia is dangerous and needs immediate medical attention. Low blood glucose levels during sleep can negatively affect a person's quality of life, their ability to work, and even their mood. Severe cases can result in coma, death, and unconsciousness. Even if you're unaware of the symptoms, it's vital to get medical attention to avoid any potential complications.
Treatment options
Despite the dreadful consequences of high blood sugar, there are several options for treatment. If you suspect that your sugar level is abnormally high, go to the emergency room immediately. Emergency rooms have the proper equipment to administer insulin and other treatments that lower blood sugar. They may also give you fluid or electrolyte replacement if needed. Regardless of what treatment you choose, ensuring that you keep your blood sugar levels at normal levels is essential.
Although some symptoms of a low blood sugar level aren't readily apparent, you should check them frequently. If the levels are low for long periods of time, your health care provider may suggest avoiding activities that require you to drive or consume carbohydrates. However, if you notice the symptoms of a low blood sugar level early enough, you can treat hypoglycemia yourself. The 15-15 rule can be difficult to apply when the blood sugar is below the right level, and it may be hard to spot these symptoms.