If you've recently received an A1c 5.3 test, you may be wondering if you should do anything. Although a reading of this level is not a cause for concern unless you have other risk factors for diabetes, you may be encouraged to make lifestyle changes to improve your blood sugar control.

The A1C level is a measurement of glycated hemoglobin, which is a component of hemoglobin. It represents the percent of hemoglobin that is bound to sugar molecules in the bloodstream. HbA1c levels above this range indicate diabetes. Historically, a normal level of HbA1c was between 3.5% and 5.5%. However, studies have found conflicting results.
One recent study examined the association between hemoglobin A1C and the risk of death and ESRD. The researchers studied 1165 adults with moderate CKD with baseline hemoglobin A1C values of 3.4% to 6.4%. The risk of developing ESRD and mortality were similar among the study participants when baseline GFR was measured.
However, this study has limitations. Firstly, it was a cross-sectional study, with a very large sample size. This limits the ability to examine whether the association between peripheral arterial disease and A1C level is causal. However, the study did find a significant association between A1C and risk of vascular disease in patients without diabetes.
If you are worried that your A1c is too high, your doctor may recommend regular blood tests. In general, a blood glucose level above 5.3% does not indicate diabetes but should be monitored regularly to check for any changes. If you are at risk for diabetes, however, you should try to exercise at least thirty minutes per day, eat more fruits and veggies, and include lean protein and healthy fats in your diet. In addition, you should avoid too much refined carbohydrates and added sugar, and lose excess weight.
The anaemic group is overrepresented by elderly people. This is because chronic disease-related anaemia increases with age. However, the lower limit of the reference range does not show significant differences between the two groups. So, in a healthy group, the difference between the two groups is less than one unit.