BGR-34 is an ayurvedic-derived product sold in India as an over-the-counter pill for people with type 2 diabetes. It was developed by two government-owned laboratories in 2015 and launched commercially in 2016. The drug has undergone one small human trial. Here, we will examine its mechanism of action and potential side effects.

Clinical trial of anti-diabetic potential of ayurvedic drug bgr 34

In a clinical trial published in the Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine, an ayurvedic drug called BGR-34 has been shown to be effective in lowering blood sugar levels in diabetic patients. The study was conducted under the guidelines of the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). The drug has been developed by two CSIR laboratories – the National Botanical Research Institute and the Central Institute for Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Research. The study included 100 diabetic patients. They were split into two groups, with one group given the allopathic drug Sitagliptin and the other group being given BGR-34. The researchers looked at the effects of both the drugs on various diabetes parameters, such as glycated haemoglobin (Hb

Researchers have developed BGR-34, a polyherbal ayurvedic blood glucose regulator. The drug is derived from six medicinal plants and releases 34 active phytoconstituents into the recipient's body. This helps regulate blood sugar levels and reduce body weight.

The drug is based on ancient Ayurvedic texts. However, it has also been linked to adverse effects, including severe allergies, gastric problems, and ineffectiveness. In fact, some patients have reported that BGR34 caused them stomach pain and no change in their blood sugar. Moreover, there are no adequate clinical trials to validate the drug's claims.

The BGR-34 treatment group significantly decreased the incidence of heart attacks by 50% in the study. The drug was also found to be effective in lowering glycosylated haemoglobin levels, an important indicator of long-term diabetes control. It also strengthened the functional capacity of ss-cells.

Ayurvedic medicines have huge acceptance and growing demand worldwide, with government measures aimed at increasing their availability. In India, malaria remains one of the largest public health problems, accounting for 80 percent of all malaria deaths worldwide in 2016. The AYUSH-64 formulation developed by CCRAS is claimed to cure malaria without side effects.

The researchers conducted an acute oral toxicity study of BGR-34 in 15 adult female Wistar rats. The rats were given BGR-34 at various dose levels, with a higher dose administered after 48 hours. Observation periods were repeated for 14 days. Afterwards, the rats were sacrificed.

BGR-34 is a polyherbal anti-diabetic drug. It has been developed by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research in India. The compound has shown promising results in pre-clinical tests conducted on diabetic experimental rats. The polyherbal compound had no adverse effects on the heart, kidney, or liver.

BGR-34 was given to rats at doses of 2000 mg/kg body weight. The results showed that BGR-34 increased the weight of both male and female rats. At this dosage level, the results were not statistically significant.

Mechanisms of action

Phytonutrient supplements such as BGR 34 are used to combat oxidative damage in the body caused by free radicals. These supplements can cause side effects but most of these will go away with time. Most of these side effects can be avoided by taking the medication as directed. Adults and children should take two tablets of BGR 34 per day, preferably 30 minutes before a meal. In case of missing a dose, skip it and take the next dose on the next day. If any side effects occur, consult your doctor to get the proper treatment.

BGR-34 is an Ayurvedic product that is commercially available in India as an over-the-counter pill. It is a combination of traditional Ayurvedic medicine and modern science. It works by regulating carbohydrate metabolism by converting proinsulin to insulin, reducing glycosylated Hb, and exerting anti-oxidant effects.

A study conducted by CSIR and AIMIL Pharmaceuticals tested the effectiveness of BGR-34 as an anti-diabetic drug. It was found to reduce fasting blood sugar levels and improve the metabolism of patients with chronic disease. Further, it also had positive effects on the body's lipid and hormonal profiles. As an added bonus, BGR-34 was found to be more effective than conventional diabetic medications. It is also cheaper and safer to use and has few side effects.

The anti-diabetic actions of BGR-34 include delaying glucose absorption from the GIT and inhibiting AGLs. In addition, BGR-34 enhances the conversion of pro-insulin to insulin. Its anti-diabetic properties make it an attractive addition to the managed care drug formulary.

In addition, BGR-34 also has cardioprotective properties and helps maintain blood glucose levels. BGR-34 also has an anti-oxidant effect and supports the functional capacity of b-cells. Berberine is a polyherbal compound that has been shown to have a significant effect on diabetic patients. Its mechanism of action varies depending on the active biomolecules present in the compound.

The BGR-34 drug was developed by two CSIR laboratories, which then tested it on animals. It is now being produced by AIMIL Pharmaceuticals according to a refined formula. However, the FDA has not yet approved BGR-34 for human use. Its toxicity profile is unknown.

The current study used a novel molecular entity, BGR-34, to treat diabetes. It was administered to patients suffering from type 2 diabetes. The study included subjects in a randomized, parallel-group study for three months. Subjects were randomly assigned to one of two groups – one receiving Sitagliptin and one receiving BGR-34. The patients were given nutritional counseling and a daily dose of BGR-34.

The study conducted by the BGR-34 clinical trial was conducted in accordance with the Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR) guidance document published in 2006. The experimental protocol was approved by the ethics committee for human safety trials, and the study was conducted at the Aggarwal Hospital in New Delhi, India on an OPD basis. The study was registered in the clinical trial registry.

Side effects

To determine whether BGR-34 could cause side effects, scientists carried out a sub-acute oral toxicity study in rats. For the study, fifty Wistar rats were divided into five groups of 10 each – five males and five females. The first group of animals was given distilled water to drink; the other three groups were given BGR-34 at doses of 1500 mg/kg bw/day, 750 mg/kg bw, and 375 mg/kg bw/day. In each group, the rats were monitored daily for signs of toxicity and mortality.

The primary endpoint was reduction of HbA1c, which is a measurement of blood glucose. The secondary endpoints were Fasting Blood Sugar and Random Blood Sugar. In addition, adverse drug reactions (ADRs) were measured. Other data used for the safety assessment included hematological and biochemical abnormalities, physical examinations, and body weight.

BGR-34 is a proprietary Ayurvedic medication manufactured by Aimil Pharmaceuticals. It is used for the treatment of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. It is a long-term medication and is effective in reducing the risk of long-term complications.

If you are taking BGR-34 for the treatment of diabetes, you should start with a low dosage of one tablet twice a day. Your current insulin dosage should also be maintained. Over time, you can gradually reduce your insulin units by two to four. Eventually, you can switch to two tablets twice a day.

The herbal drug BGR-34 has shown promise in diabetes treatment. HbA1c levels fell significantly in the fourth and eighth weeks, and by the end of the study, patients had an HbA1c level of 8.061 percent. A similar decline was seen in the RBS test, where sugar levels fell from 250 to 114 mg/dl in 12 weeks. Further, FBS levels dropped from 176 to 114 in the same period.

BGR-34 is an antidiabetic Ayurvedic compound. It was introduced in 2015, and is said to have promising effects on blood sugar levels. Its formulation includes ingredients from six medicinal plants. It has been shown to enhance insulin sensitivity and increase the ability of cells to absorb glucose. Additionally, it has cardio-protective effects.

BGR-34 has been tested in animals and clinical studies and is considered safe for humans. This makes it a viable option for NIDDM and should be used frequently in clinical practice. It also reduces the reliance on synthetic OHGAs. However, there are some side effects associated with BGR-34, which is why you should only consult a doctor if you suspect a possible side effect from this drug.

BGR-34 is an herbal blend that inhibits the enzyme DPP4 and improves glucose homeostasis. It also enhances the production of insulin and converts pro-insulin to insulin. Its anti-diabetic properties make it a viable choice for treating diabetes and controlling its long-term complications.

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